Adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian sehari-hari.
- Pattern (rumus) :
A. Verbal (kata kerja)
(+) S + Verb I + O + Keterangan
(-) S + Do/Does + Not + Verb I + O + Keterangan
(?) Do/Does + S + Verb I + O + Keterangan
Contoh :
(+) You read news paper everyday
(-) You do not read news paper everyday
(?) Do you read news paper everyday?
Yes, I do No, I do not
(+) She writes letter in the class room
(-) She does not write letter in the class room
(?) Does she write letter in the class room?
Yes, she does No, she does not
B. Non Verbal
Dibedakan menjadi 3, yaitu :
a. Adjective (kata sifat)
(+) S + Tobe + Adjective
(-) S + Tobe + Not + Adjective
(?) Tobe + S + Adjective
Contoh :
(+) My father is funny
(-) My father is not funny
(?) Is My father funny?
Yes, He is No, He is not
(+) They are busy
(-) They are not busy
(?) Are They busy?
Yes, They are No, They are not
b. Noun (kata benda yang berwujud profesi)
(+) S + Tobe + Noun
(-) S + Tobe + Not + Noun
(?) Tobe + S + Noun
Contoh :
(+) Your mother is a teacher
(-) Your mother is not a teacher
(?) Is your mother a teacher?
Yes, she is No, She is not
(+) Your boy friend is a doctor
(-) Your boy friend is not a doctor
(?) Is your boy friend a doctor?
Yes, He is No, He is not
c. Adverb (kata keterangan)
Dibedakan menjadi 4 :
1. Adverb of place ( keterangan tempat)
Kata keterangan tempat biasanya di awali dengan Preposition (kata depan) yaitu : In, On, Beside, Behind, At, To, Top, Over, Above, Below, Under, Under, In front of, Back, Opposite, Corner, Middle, Side, dll.
2. Adverb of time ( keterangan waktu)
Kata keterangan waktu yaitu : Second, minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year.
- Adverb of frequency (keterangan frekuensi)
Kata keterangan Frekuensi yaitu : Always, Usually, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Generally, Often, dll.
- Adverb of manner (keterangan cara)
kata sifat yang ditambah akhiran ly, yang artinya “ dengan …”
contoh : fastly → dengan cepat
carefully → dengan hati-hati
(+) S + Tobe + Adverb
(-) S + Tobe + Not + Adverb
(?) Tobe + S + Adverb
Contoh :
(+) They are in the class room
(-) They are not in the class room
(?) Are they in the class room?
Yes, They are No, They are not
(+) He is on the tree
(-) He is not on the tree
(?) Is he on the tree?
Yes, He is No, he is not
Note :
- Kata kerja Bantu :
“Do” untuk subjek → I, You, They, We
“Does” untuk subjek → He, She, It
- Tobe Present : Is, Am, Are
Tobe “Is” untuk subjek → He, She, It
Tobe “Am” untuk subjek → I
Tobe “Are” untuk subjek → You, They, We
- Time Signal (tanda waktu) : Always, Seldom, Usually, Every ….. (everyday, every week, every month, every year) dll.
- Verb → + S → Kalimat simple present
→ Subjeknya kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal
→ Verb atau kata kerjanya tidak berakhiran O, X, SS, CH, SH
Contoh : Write → Writes Read → Reads Need → Needs
Verb → + ES → Kalimat simple present
→ Subjeknya kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal
→ Verb atau kata kerjanya berakhiran O, X, SS, CH, SH
Contoh : Go → Goes Do → Does Wash → Washes
Verb → I +ES → Kalimat simple present
→ Subjeknya kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal
→ Verb atau kata kerjanya berakhiran Y dan sebelum Y diawali huruf konsonan, Maka Y berubah menjadi I + ES
Contoh : Fly → Flies Try → Tries Carry → Carries
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